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Hello Students!

We now have a dedicated page just for you, our current students. This will be the page where you or your parents or guardians can log in to our student portal. My Music Staff, read important announcements or check out cool stories about other students, your teachers, or just general music stories. 

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Auto Pay Promotion

Through the end of February, we will offer a $50 Miss Shannon; 's Studio gift certificate to any student or family who signs up for AUTO PAY. See below for instructions on how to sign up for AUTO PAY. The winner will be drawn in March 2024. 

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Bryce Mullins Concert

Bryce had a great concert in January at Randy's Roadhouse in Batesville, IN. Thanks to everyone who came to the concert! We are excited as Bryce's album cover is officially on the wall of Randy's Roadhouse and during the show he got to play an 1867 Martin. It was an amazing show!


2024 Studio Calendar Available

This year, we have decided to make an annual calendar of our studio closures, events, etc. We will still remind you of closures and events before they happen but we wanted to provide an annual calendar too.  

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